Bonjour bonjour,
Je suis Harry de Montréal, Canada ! Bienvenue dans ma boutique en ligne ! Ça a été un rêve de partager avec le monde de beaux patrons de couture que vous pouvez facilement télécharger à la maison, assembler et coudre781! -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Un peu plus sur moi ? Eh bien, je suis diplômée de l'école de design de mode à Paris, en France, et j'ai suivi un cours de modélisme juste après. J'ai plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie et je me réveille encore chaque jour en voulant en faire plus. J'aime dire que je suis très accessible, vous pouvez donc toujours me contacter pour tout type de demande ou d'assistance avec mes modèles !
Quelque chose d'autre que vous devriez savoir; tous les motifs et dessins sont les fruits de mon labor and trial ! J'espère que mes patrons ne sont utilisés que pour un usage personnel, mais pas de soucis si ce n'est pas le cas. Au final, je vends des PDF numériques sewing patterns on the planet's internet.
Plus important encore, j'espère que vous pourrez vous mettre au défi avec mes modèles et créer quelque chose que vous aimerez ou que vous offrirez ! Il n'y a rien de plus gratifiant que de vivre dans ses propres vêtements (littéralement).
Assurez-vous de suivre mes réseaux sociaux répertoriés en bas de cette page ! En attendant, je ne vous souhaite que des moments de couture et des créations incroyables !
À votre santé,
Fondatrice / Modéliste
Harry Longan
Passionnée de modélisme, j'ai étudié le stylisme à Paris et travaillé comme modéliste pendant plus de 8 ans.
Modéliste / Associé
Wanying Lee
Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme avec Harry à l'école de mode, je savais que nous nous reconnecterions d'une manière ou d'une autre dans le futur, et 6 ans plus tard, nous y sommes ! Faire des patrons et faire des blagues sont quelques-unes de mes choses préférées !
Our recycled fabric is not just eco-friendly, it's sustainable in every sense of the word. Made from post-consumer waste, it not only conserves precious resources but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with the production of new textiles. Moreover, our fabric is created through fair labor practices, ensuring that all workers involved in the production process receive a fair wage. By choosing our recycled fabric, you can feel good about your purchase knowing that it supports both people and the planet.
What makes our fabric sustainable?
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international standard for recycled textiles and products. It was developed by the non-profit organization Textile Exchange to ensure that recycled products meet strict environmental, social, and safety requirements. The standard covers the entire supply chain, from the sourcing of raw materials to the production and labeling of finished products. The goal of the GRS is to promote transparency, sustainability, and traceability in the production of recycled textiles and products.
Our fabric is "GSR" approved, but what does that mean?
Recycled polyester fabric is made from post-consumer plastic waste, such as used water bottles, packaging materials, and discarded clothing. The waste plastic is collected, sorted, and processed to remove any contaminants. The cleaned plastic is then melted and spun into fibers that can be woven into fabric. The resulting recycled polyester fabric has the same properties and performance characteristics as new polyester, but with a lower environmental impact since it is made from waste materials that would otherwise end up in landfills or the ocean.
What is recycled polyester fabric made of?
About our fabric.
Dear Sewing Enthusiast,
We are thrilled to have launched Longan Patterns and to see so many of you embracing our passion for sewing. We are constantly working to improve our patterns and instructions to bring you the best possible experience.
If you have any questions or need help with our patterns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are a friendly and approachable team, and we would love to hear from you!
Our ultimate goal is to inspire you to challenge yourself and create something that brings you joy and satisfaction. Whether it's a garment for yourself or a special gift for a loved one, there's nothing quite like the feeling of wearing something you've made with your own two hands.
Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of the Longan Patterns community - The Longan Team
Our recycled fabric is not just eco-friendly, it's sustainable in every sense of the word. Made from post-consumer waste, it not only conserves precious resources but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with the production of new textiles. Moreover, our fabric is created through fair labor practices, ensuring that all workers involved in the production process receive a fair wage. By choosing our recycled fabric, you can feel good about your purchase knowing that it supports both people and the planet.
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international standard for recycled textiles and products. It was developed by the non-profit organization Textile Exchange to ensure that recycled products meet strict environmental, social, and safety requirements. The standard covers the entire supply chain, from the sourcing of raw materials to the production and labeling of finished products. The goal of the GRS is to promote transparency, sustainability, and traceability in the production of recycled textiles and products.
Recycled polyester fabric is made from post-consumer plastic waste, such as used water bottles, packaging materials, and discarded clothing. The waste plastic is collected, sorted, and processed to remove any contaminants. The cleaned plastic is then melted and spun into fibers that can be woven into fabric. The resulting recycled polyester fabric has the same properties and performance characteristics as new polyester, but with a lower environmental impact since it is made from waste materials that would otherwise end up in landfills or the ocean.